Friday, May 17, 2019

Porting My Twitter Over, Part 2

My Aphorisms/Shorts

The revolution will be upcycled . . . and then modular.  Or it won't be much of revolution, now will it?

I have not lost the ability to dream; I have lost the ability to pretend that other people will follow any of my dreams.

Self driving cars could be called auto-automobiles.  I'd also accept them being called "autobots."

Inside of consumerism, "sufficient luxury" is an oxymoron.  Outside of consumerism, you can live a meaningful life.

I'm only interested in listening to people who listen to other people.

There is enough beauty and wonder to go around.  There cannot be enough results.

The American Ideal is someone who looks extremely fit, but who works constantly at a job where they sit (a seat of power, as it were).

Devil's advocate: these violent video games these boys want to play might be safer than the mythology games our political tribes want to play on anti-social media.

The way nature shows defiance is beautiful, it "defies expectations." The defiance also seems to give boundless energy.  But when some human-type-person who is obsessed with hierarchy shows defiance, is there anything more ugly? Is there anything more sapping?

I'm sick of hating narcissists.  When you do that in America, you almost run out of people.

America: worry about everything while making sure you don't care about anything.

 I propose that we have 73 Five-Day Weeks (73*5 = 365).  We could call the leap year day "Leap Day" and then all of our days of the week would line up every year.

A re-write for Batman v Superman:

After the "space 9-11" scene, start with Bruce Wayne in board meetings with Lex Luthor, plotting to deal with the alien threat.  The arc of the movie would then be Wayne realizing Superman is a good guy, turning on Luthor.  This would allow for Batman to start fighting Superman in Act I, or Act II by the latest.  And it would even give a structural reason for Doomsday to be worked into the end as Luthor scrambles to find a way to defeat the Justice League that is forming in front of him.

Luthor and Wayne would work as foils and commentary upon each other, including daddy issues.