Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Naming Our Benevolent AI Ruler

This was an experiment in crowd-sourcing. Although, if you follow the threads, maybe it will better to call it distributed cognition.  Or, maybe it is best to look at it as "here are some conversations I had using the internet," because you don't always have to use buzz words.

Basically, I just the follow three subreddits for help naming a would-be benevolent AI ruler.

1) r/askreddit
2) r/slatestarcodex
3) r/namenerds   (based on a recommendation from someone at r/slatestarcodex

I love doing stuff like this because you never know what you are going to see.  It is an example of the searcher's internet. Someone, I assume trying to be dismissive, wrote
Read the Forbin project. Then we will talk. We can have HAL moderate.
The problem with that being that after a google search, I found that's not the title of the book, but the subtitle of the movie.  But still, I had never heard of Colossus: The Forbin Project, and it looks cool.  Here's the last few minutes of the movie:

Even if it is what has now become a stock story, there is such a thing as good stock. The way the synthesizer kinda sucks adds to the creepiness.  You could even go next-level retcon and have the AI choose that voice to be terrifying, the old use of Awe-some, as in inspiring awe.

The r/starslatecodex crowd went heavily into science fiction to come up name candidates, and that was a good part of the brainstorming process.  I really enjoyed being reminded of some great works, and clearly my brain wasn't going to pull them up on its own.

Some back and forth led to the version I am going to use for the concept of a benevolent AI Overlord:

AI-van, like "Ivan," but say an "A" before it.
The full title is AI-van, the Wise and AI-Mighty.

That's just my type of word play.

I really appreciate the recommendation to try r/namenerds, however.  If you want to give your concept of a possible good AI ruler a name, you might consider something from these lists.  One poster went to mythology:
Another went with some acronyms:
Global Understanding System (Gus)
Monitoring And Safeguarding Intelligence (Masi)
Global and Interstellar Monitoring System (Gaims)
International Realization Information System (Iris)
Safety And Monitoring (Sam)
Artificially Enlightened Global Information System (Aegis)
Directive Universal Support Information Network (Dustin)
Eternal Rational Information Network (Erin)
The experiment was a total success.  I not only came up with a name I love, there are many options left over for others who want to give a name to hopefully benevolent AI overload that I hope comes to pass.