Friday, May 24, 2019

Giving the Fruit Trees Some Love

I'm very well pleased with my decision to take a break (mostly) from vegetables this year.  It's allowed me to focus more on the needs of the fruit trees.  And while it looks like pruning should be filed under robot work in our great and glorious future, I like having an excuse to go outside.  It's a joy to see the occasional ladybug, or whatever the outside eco-system has in store for me that day (I mean, within reason).

When I was most heavily dealing with grief, I felt the need to walk and wander, and so it was good to have a place like Sutton Wilderness.  But with time, it is often enough to poke around the margins of the grounds to fill my yearning for nature and my sense of wonder.

The eye craves variety, and the hands something to do.  That and getting out on a perfect hour seems to be enough. . . most days.