Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Round Up #12

Where Have I Been?

Oh, working, reading.  But this time reading books, lots of books.  Books are better than the internet.

From Surfing the Web

The Uruk Series is a remarkable explanation of the forces that lead to the narcissism and nihilism of our age.

The above led me to The Last Psychiatrist.

The Long Now Foundation is putting together a library of books meant to be able to rebuild civilization.  [An article from Open Culture]

An excellent primer on estimation-based prop bet games you can play -- with the crown jewel being "Lodden Thinks"


Nihilism isn't quite the panacea you kids seem to think it is.

We have a geneation that nearly universally self-reports mental illnesses and then turns around and uses the fact that some guy, somewhere, went off on avocado toast to insulate themselves from all criticism.