Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Super Frugal Chronicles Update

I have not ended up working since using my f*** you money to leave my last bad situation.  I had signed up to be a substitute teacher -- which out of bureaucratic language churn (grounded in undermining regular employees) is they now call a "guest teacher" -- however, I kept procrastinating going in to any jobs because I was having a good time.  Ditto for starting as a tutor -- I didn't even follow up on my one lead.  I think there is a good chance I would have gotten itchy enough to work that reported idea as a sub after spring break, but then the CoronaDoom struck.

But no housing payment beyond property taxes and no transportation costs helps to make me very resilient.  My entertainment budget is $0, and now I cook any meal I am responsible for.  It may be a bit of drag, but I've gotten used to it.  Time and again I tell my wife  "I have taken a vow of poverty."  I get away with this by saying it in a pleasant tone, showing good cheer on my face, and immediately providing some options for what I can cook.

My free entertainments are reading (thanks libraries!), writing, and occasionally chess.  I play at lichess, mostly solving tactical puzzles -- they serve as a great replacement activity for searching news feeds.  Even if news was more interesting than chess (it isn't), I like to keep my mind free of the bad stuff as part of my strategy to be prepared for perfect moments.  Also, reading lichess's About page is one the most inspirational things a human can do, in my estimation.  When I return to work again, I plan to make donations to lichess.  It is absolutely the type of organization I believe in.  After an initial burst in working on chess puzzles, I must say that my time spent reading dwarfs chess.

I must admit that I *gasp* eventually ended up applying for jobs, regular old "I will do what you say for money and hopefully benefits" jobs.  But as luck -- whether good or bad I can't fully say -- would have it, nothing has come of it.