Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Future is So Bright. . .

Response to this piece.  The title I gave the comment was The Future is So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades, see.


I think your reasoning is sound. Just be thankful if you get out before the brain-scans become common practice.  

At first, it will become the greatest thing in wage theft.  People will only be paid something like 20% of the time they are at work.  Quickly, this will train those who remain and can hack it to stare at the screen and do a kind of frenetic work, even though it will in no way be the most effective (leave that kind of work-flow management to the philosopher-kings of middle management. . . how long before they are all micro-dosing LSD to help with their lateral thinking? . . Oh, brave new world, with such people in it). The real thing that can be scanned for is that the people at the front-lines are FOCUSED and it is something they DO NOT ENJOY.   

And who am I kidding? Most of this will be automated away within the decade.