Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Back-Up of "Boss Chewed Me Out So . . ."

This was posted on Reddit a while ago.  I don't know why I haven't move it over before now.


Enter f*** you money. I am quitting on Friday and my "organization" accepts resignations effective immediately.
I know this sub is pretty specific about finances, bank balances, investments, etc, but I don't feel comfortable with that type of disclosure. I will say that a paid-off mortgage, getting rid of my car, and being willing to cook 90%+ of every meal I am accountable for [1] really stretches out any f*** you money.
Instead of full-out trying to never work again, I wish more people who are not enjoying work would consider a) mini retirements (I've learned to call them "sabbaticals" to not freak out normies) or b) semi-retirement. I like this article on f*** you frugality. Be warned, the article actually uses the "fuck" word. Money quote:
Unlike FIRE, there are degrees to this. You can improve your life right now, rather than eat shit sandwiches for decades while you try to reach some distant number. There’s no need to save ten million dollars. Even ten thousand is enough to change things up.
I'm glad that after I was overcome with grief, I experimented both with mini- and semi- retirements. Because of my core of frugality, I was able to do them without denting my savings all that much.
This time I don't think I'm even going to cut into my principal. I plan on substitute teaching 3 days a week, and building a tutoring business ("micro-enterprise?"). Both of those are a bit seasonal, but I now have dividends to fill the gap. I can keep my withdrawal rate below 2%, if not closer to 1% for the year.
I don't know if this makes me "FIREd" or not. I know there will be days I hate subbing, but I'll never go in two days in a row. Furthermore, if I am fortunate in building the tutoring business, that can grow to become my way of covering living expenses.
I may never directly report to a boss again.
[1] My wife and I alternate who picks what is for dinner. I now cook every time it's my night. I have tried many experiments at that dollar-a-person or two-dollars-a-person range, but that is more narrow for than my wife can take every night. I just shoot for being at least half off a restaurant, and know that I've slayed the truly biggest costs in housing and transportation.It should go without saying I eat extremely cheaply for lunch. Lentils, rice, tofu, eggs, other beans, salsa . . . that range. Mmm frugal and fiber-y .