Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ultimate Money Quote about Being Around Liberals

From the piece Grass Roots:
She needed solutions. She needed to be part of a Better World. She asked me why I was even at this event if I didn’t think we were going to change anything. I said I enjoy being around all the smart, kind, thoughtful, and competent people. I like showing up with a bottle of wine and a tray of food and spending time in a beautiful space. And the subject matter is genuinely interesting. I need to know how things really work so I can step out of the way when shit goes south. We’re due for a market crash. We’re due for an earthquake. The nature of the conversation will change completely on the other side of these events and I want to be ahead of the curve. She politely stepped away from my negative energy.
It is always good to have a kindred spirit out there, and Johnny S brings up something I've been wanting to get off my chest.

I don't hang around liberals because I think my actions will lead to change for the better.  I hang out with them because they are usually more enjoyable than my alternatives. With the conservatives I know the conversation follows the structure of one of two sandwiches:

Sandwich 1 -- the more common one.
I'm great.  Hierarchy is great.  I'm great.  

Sandwich 2
Hierarchy is great.  I'm great.  Hierarchy is great.  
Conservatism isn't a philosophy.  It's a mindset.  I once saw a Ran Prieur quote that applies:
 in practice, conservatism is an emotional state, and people in that state don't care what's traditional or radical for humans in general -- they only care what's traditional or radical for them personally. So you can make the most untested and wildly maladapted society in history, and after a couple generations, all the traditionalists will angrily defend it and attack the ways of the previous hundred thousand generations.
To be conservative about this society, the one that did its darndest to destroy all values, is an absurdity.  Not that that stops them from trying.

Don't get me wrong; liberals who have nice stuff believe in hierarchy, too.  They just don't talk about it as much. There can be other stories, other facts, and conversation doesn't have to go back to some very narrow grooves.  My kind of eclectic explorations are allowed to be a fun side-show, and sometimes, when my wit is flowing, I can even be the life of a liberal party.

The center-left would like to keep their power and wealth hidden behind bougie norms such as politeness and proceduralism.  They know it is vulgar to tell, and much more proper to show.  When you go past that to speak plainly about unpleasant realities, the fangs certainly can come out.  NIMBY indeed.   Heck, not in my house.  Do not question progress.  Do not question the vital equation
destruction - carbon = sustainability.  
Absolutely do not question whether the good guys are always the good guys.  And don't go over the real history.

Eh, that's easy enough.  Like Johhny S above, I'm here for the wine, snacks, and good conversation -- at least I was before the time of quarantines.   I like the smiling faces, and I need to do better at not being the person who makes them stop.