Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Our Politics Won't Have Peace Until . . .

I responded to this Degringolade post with the following:


Maybe free college or UBI can't be sustained, but something still has to give on healthcare, wealth destruction or not. I am starting to gel a thesis that both left and right might be coming together to figure out that bureaucrats and paper work can get the ax. The managerial class should be shitting their pants right now, and many of them are.

I wrote this aphorism recently:
The real cruelty of America to its young is not that it is denying them the American Dream. It is denying them the Human Dream of starting a family that they can keep healthy and free from deprivation.
The thing is, it's one thing to be personally screwed on healthcare by the opacity, price gouging, and red-tape. It's possible for me, for example, to be a philosopher about dying from something my society could have treated, but didn't (you know, our healthcare is still better than it was for the richest person 100 years ago or so) but when I think of a child [especially a child of mine] trapped in that . . . killed by something that was easily within the grasp of a society better run than ours . . .

Millenials have been denied the basic security of home and hearth it takes to pivot into the conservatism that comes so naturally to the middle-aged. And they aren't being subtle about their willingness to upset apple carts over it.

Point taken about stair-step collapse in the JMG model, but we won't be hitting any equilibrium point until we stop eating our young, and young families.