Wednesday, January 1, 2020

I Downgraded my Phone . . . What's Next?

Degingolade emailed me to let me know my post Artisanal Texts was linked to.  Here is an except of my response:


This little phone has been a little finicky and clunky, but it is nice not having a porto-screen to mess with my attention.  I try to carry the following around with me: a book to and two notebooks -- one for to-do lists and writing drafts of pieces and the other as a journal of thoughts and life events.  Even if I don't use them when I'm out, I find that it is a good habit because they serve as reminders of what I want to be doing.

I am sure this will cause some disruptions in posts at some point, but I am going to start handwriting two drafts of many pieces before I type and publish.  This won't apply much to short pieces, humor pieces, or the round ups, but I find this kind of writing really brings focus and can help to get more life out of my years. . .because I am very doubtful about how much I can control how many years I get out of life.


These pieces have not been published yet, and they'll come at their own pace, but they will be a transition to some long-form writing.