Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Round Up #28


"Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire."  Gustav Mahler

Tribe-D signals its concern for working conditions at Amazon, but actively tries to facilitate migrant workers on mega farms. . .   In both cases, it refuses to starve either system of capital by practicing the noble art of doing without.

Saying, "TV shows like the Good Place, Bojack Horseman, and Rick and Morty demonstrate that studying moral philosophy leads to good stories" is not that far from proving that moral philosophy is only good for telling stories.

Telling me I have to vote in a psuedo-democracy like ours is akin to encouraging an arranged marriage with a prostitute, who will not stop being a prostitute in the marriage, and at no point will show me a moment of real affection.

I wonder how many neo-reactionaries cannot see that Trump was elected by vulgar, mob-ocractic forces?  I wonder how many small-d democrats cannot realize that Biden is an attempted restoration?

 Most of the developed world has worked to make the lives of families better.  In the U.S. we marketed "family values" and then called it a day.

"Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error." - Linus Pauling

Research and Links

I am glad to have seen this cartoon.

Gorgeous use of color to make water shimmer. So much so that the nudity is forgivable.  It just captures the golden hour.  I would never go out to New Zealand to see it, but it must be something person.

I recently saw some blowhard here in the Age of Disinformation going on about how since cities are terrible and cause stress, people live longer in rural areas.  Rural versus urban life expectancy is in fact something that is measurable and measured [and more recent].  Never occurs to these people to look, does it?

I finally got around to reading the Gospel of Thomas.

My, such a world of literary blogs exist, starting with me finding this one.  I knew they had to exist, but figured it would be quite difficult to find what I was looking for using mere internet search -- too many blogs spammed out reviewing new and bad books.

Doctors are less likely to undergo intense end-of-life treatments.  They know better.

Grew interested in just how many people live in failed states and what life was like -- you know, just asking . . . for a friend.  Here's a start. And some more.

I had high hopes for the search term "maya versus bullshit."  I am interested in a thoughtful discussion comparing and contrasting the two terms, especially putting bullshit through Frankfurt's take on the matter. It might be out there, but not in the first few pages of a search.  The term "buddhism maya versus bullshit" didn't help.  Might be something I write one day.  Not today.

Piece by Ian Welsh on reading to acquire knowledge contains this money quote:
 You cannot think with knowledge you do not know, and you cannot even look up most Knowledge, because you have to know what you don’t know. The more you know, the more you know what you don’t know.
If I'm the last one to be exposed to the band Baby Metal, my apology for bringing it up. -- Oh my god, the lyrics translated makes it even better.

I'm proud enough of this response on Reddit to this.

Also, continuing the theme of being a guy on the internet saying the internet is not going to last.

Prime Curious! -- this sort of thing is my bag, baby.

Mmm.  That's some good writing on societal transition.

A reflection on the how what the world needs now is a negative capacity -- the capacity to do nothing.